Welcome To Libby’s Corner!
Welcome to Libby’s Corner! I got Libby in 2014. I had a previous cat named Cow. Yes, Cow. She was white with black spots, hence her name. After a battle with Cat Leukemia, she had to be put down. I was heartbroken to say the least. I have always been a huge lover of cats. See picture of me as a child with several kitty cats surrounding me for reference.
Growing up, we always had several cats and there was always one that I claimed. The one I claimed was the one that was MY cat. It slept with me and mainly lived in my room. This may sound a little strange but when I was little, my cats were my secret holders. You’ll read on the portion of my blog where I am releasing my story that not every aspect of my childhood was rainbows and butterflies. I have vivid memories of laying in my bed at night with a cat and just pouring my heart out to them. Through a lot of tears, they were my sounding board and gave me comfort when I was ridden with anxiety. Mainly because they listen well and can’t talk back but animals have a way of knowing when we are sad, and my cats always showed me some kind of affection. Cats aren’t the only animal I love. I grew up in-between several pastures of cows and we also always had dogs. I was notorious for sitting in the doghouse with Cinnamon, the dog we had growing up, and reading her my AR book. I would often go outside to the fence line, pet the cows, and talk to them too. But the cats, my cats; they got to know the very sad parts of my heart that no one else knew about and they got to know when I had a crush on a boy, and they got to know when I was scared of the dark and when me and my best friend were in the middle of a fight. They got to know it all. And you know how when you’re feeling down, it hits you most either at night right before bed or in the morning before getting out of bed? Well, that’s what it was like for me, and I don’t remember a time where I never didn’t have a cat to show me some love during those times.
So, any who, after putting Cow down, I thought I wouldn’t get a cat for a while just because it felt weird to go straight from Cow to another cat. But alas, a friend of mine at the time, reached out and asked if I wanted a kitten. Her family had gotten a kitten and ended up not wanting it. I don’t remember all the details but after a few pictures, I said yes. How could I not?? Look at her kitten pictures!!
It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with her and it didn’t take long for us to be besties. Eight years later and Libby is so so precious to me. So, on Libby’s Corner, I will share highlights about her. She’s quirky, sassy, snuggly, and hilarious.
I also may throw in my other pets occasionally who I love just as equally. My husband and I have a cat named Potato. This was Brad’s cat before we were dating. She is 9 years old and a tiny cat weighing in at 6lbs total. Libby weighs 11lbs for reference. Potatoes are my husband’s favorite food so go figure, he named his cat Potato. The more hilarious thing is that his roommate at the time also had a cat and he named his cat Steak. Steak and Potato. Isn’t that comical?
Libby is in the front, potato is in the back.
We also have a cat named Pallet. Pallet got his name because he was found inside a pallet at the back of Sam’s club where Brad works. He was a tiny kitten lost from his mom. When the workers at Sam’s Club found the kitten, they tried to get him out but he was too scared, so they had no choice but to move the pallet with the cat in it, outside. When Brad got to work the next day, they let him know about the kitten knowing all too well that my husband is a cat lover. So, Brad went and got a hotdog from the Sam’s Club café and lured the cat out of the pallet, took him to the vet to get his shots, brought him home, and gave him a bath. We had every intention of gifting him to a family but once we named him, we couldn’t give him away. We fell in love all too quickly. Pallet is the snuggliest little bug and our family is complete with him in it.
Last but not least, we have a dog named Scout. Scout is four years old and a rescue from Emily’s Legacy Rescue in Wichita Falls, TX. They said that he was part Black Mouth Cur and part German Shepherd, but we don’t know for sure. Scout is obnoxious and very quirky and a survivor of Parvo. He is super loving and very sweet. Quite honestly, I don’t think he even knows how to hurt a fly. We love him.
So, if you love animals, this is the place to be. And if you hate cats (because we all know there are a lot of cat haters out there) I hope this area of my blog brings you a little bit of cat appreciation! But if nothing else, it should make you laugh because Libby alone is ridiculous at times. I can’t wait to share her with you here!
May 14, 2022 @ 5:55 am
I’m a cat lover also. But I have two dogs…Baby Gurl, a purebred Shitz Zhu and a Peekapoo (half Poodle and half Pekingese) named Coco. I’m excited to be a part of The Libbing Room and I’m looking forward to getting to know you.