My Story
Here, I will share my life story with you. From my earliest memory to now I will share every high and low that I have faced. I want to be real, genuine, and honest. I want to share the nitty gritty, the things people don’t usually talk about. I want all of you to feel like someone out there actually gets it.
Chapter 4.
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with cheerleaders. I remember going to the Farmersville football games and staring in awe at the girls on the sidelines. I wanted nothing more than to be one of them. My mom made me a promise;
Before Chapter 4.
Before moving on to chapter four, there are a few things I felt I needed to address. It’s hard and weird to
Chapter 3.
I started first grade in Farmersville half way through the school year and that is where I spent majority of my grade school years.
Chapter 2.
County Road 569 was a dead end rock road that ran about a half a mile long. On either side of the street there were tall trees and honeysuckle plants
Chapter 1.
Hi! Welcome to chapter one of my life story. I have yet to figure out just how many chapters there will be
I will never forget being fifteen and realizing that I had gone through so much in my short 15 years of life. It was while I was at church camp, that we (the students attending the camp)