Hello World!
I am finally sitting down to write. For years now, I have always known that I wanted to write. I’ve had this big dream tucked away in my heart but was still working toward becoming a nurse, so the dream continued to stay tucked away.
Recently though, after graduating nursing school the dream of wanting to start a blog and actually start writing has leaped full force right in front of my face screaming very loudly for me to start actually doing something about it. It’s been wild. I wake up thinking about it. I go to sleep thinking about it. But this dream is so incredibly big that it’s almost daunting. Intimidating.
What if I fail?
What if people don’t like what I write?
What if I say something that people disagree with and I get cancelled?
What if people judge me for sharing too much?
What if, What if, What if?
Fear. It’s really the damndest thing. It simultaneously stops us in our tracks but also causes us to run. Well, I’ve been stopped in my tracks for far too long and running at the same time so here I am on a random night in December finally writing.
The plan tonight was to hang out with my older sister, wrap Christmas presents, and play Elf in the background. Then she told me that she had a test to take for school and although she was so apologetic for “ruining our plans”, it was the one thing that motivated me to break out this computer and write my first blog entry.
So, hello world. If you are reading this, I am so so thankful. Thank you for giving me a chance, for visiting my website, and for reading my thoughts that are quite honestly all over the place.
The trajectory of my writings are subject to change but its currently on my heart to share my life story and experiences in order for others who may have experienced similar things to not feel so alone. I want to be the most real, very genuine, and incredibly authentic. I want to share my mistakes, my hurts, my past, my abuse, and the story of redemption and grace that comes along with all of those things. I want to tell others how worthy they are and show them that they are never too far gone. I want to be relatable and help those see their worth, their ability, their future with a new light.
I want to create a safe place for those that need a place to rest, release, and relate. So, here goes nothing.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!

May 1, 2022 @ 5:55 pm
I can’t wait to hear all of your stories. Your voice is so important and the world needs people like you to share experiences with.
-your biggest fan, neighbor, and bestie ❤️
May 1, 2022 @ 6:03 pm
I love you SO MUCH and am so thankful for your support, friend.
May 1, 2022 @ 7:34 pm
Brittanie, I have known you since you were 8-years-old. I always learn more about you as you write. I am excited to follow your blog and to continue to know you better. I love you deeply.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:16 pm
You have always been an eloquent speaker, Britt. I am so proud of you for taking this leap of faith and putting your words, thoughts, and servant heart out to the world to see. Writing is such a joy, and I believe you will fall in love with every aspect of this new adventure.